Asia News

North Korea Fires Five Short-Range Missiles Into the Sea

North Korea has fired at least five short-range missiles into the sea east of North Korea, according to South Korean news agency Yonhap.

North Korea has fired at least five short-range missiles into the sea, according to South Korean news agency Yonhap.

The unidentified missiles fired on Monday flew for 200 kilometers (120 miles) and landed in waters east of North Korea, South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a statement.

The missiles were said to have been fired from the northeastern city of Hamhung.

On Friday, North Korea fired two mid-range ballistic missiles from the east coast city of Wonsan in defiance of tough new United Nations and U.S. sanctions imposed on the country following nuclear and rocket tests this year.

“North Korea should refrain from all provocative actions, including missile launches, which are in clear violation of U.N. resolutions,” Sung Kim, the U.S. special envoy for North Korea, told reporters in Seoul when asked about Monday’s firing.

South Korean military are working to find what types of missile were fired.

[Image: Getty Images]


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