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Did Turkey’s President Erdogan give the order for his bodyguards to attack protestors in Washington DC?

We synchronised 3 VOA videos shot simultaneously during the attack on protestors near the Turkish Ambassador's residence, in Washington DC, on May 16, 2017.

We synchronised three Voice of America videos all shot simultaneously during the attack on protestors at Sheridan Circle, near the Turkish Ambassador’s residence, in Washington DC, on May 16, 2017.

The videos show Erdogan’s car and what he is apparently watching unfold in front of him.

There is communication from the car with bodyguards, two of whom appear to leave just before the attack occurs.

One bodyguard appears to attack protestors. This man returns to the car and joins the president’s security detail.

We cannot say for certain what happened, or who gave the order, but we present the video for you to make up your own mind.

Source videos

Close up of attack at Sheridan Circle 

Vertical video on which the shouting can be heard

Video of Erdogan in his car

Does one of the bodyguards attack protestors?

This man is filmed from multiple angles attacking protestors.

A bodyguard who later returns to President Erdogan’s car after attacking protestors on Sheridan Circle, Washington DC, on May 16. Image: Grasswire/Voice of America

He is bald, is somewhat overweight and is wearing a dark suit and blue tie.

A man matching this description leaves from the bottom of the steps in the video above.

He has what appears to be a lanyard around his neck with the ID in his shirt pocket. This makes a distinct shape.

He has what appears to be two pins on his left lapel.

He later returns to Erdogan’s car.

A bodyguard returns to President Erdogan’s car after attacking protestors on Sheridan Circle, Washington DC, on May 16. Image: Grasswire/Voice of America

What is said?

The Daily Caller employed a professional sound editor, Salih Ferad, to analyse the VOA Turkish videos.

Ferad says that the words “dalın diyor, servet abi dalın diyor” can be heard just after Erdogan is seen speaking with his bodyguard. That translates to “he says attack, servet abi, he says attack” or “he says dive in”.

According to The Daily Caller, “Servet” is the name of the person being addressed, and “abi” is a term of endearment, which vaguely translates to “older brother.”

In a second video, men are heard shouting “gel gel gel” … “servet abi yürü” … “dalın diyor dalın diyor dalın diyor” which roughly translates to “come, come, come” … “walk servet abi” … “he says attack or “he says dive in.”

Synced videos

Others have also synced videos.

Who is Servet abi?

Turkish nationalists have since May 16 highlighted one man from the videos they refer to as “Servet Abi.”

A man identified by Turkish nationalists as “Servet Abi” after attacking protestors on Sheridan Circle, Washington DC, on May 16. Image: Grasswire/Voice of America

The translations below are very rough. We suggest you translate them for yourself.

“Servet Abi, you are Turkey”

“Servet Abi is from the heavens”

“Thank goodness such deceivers are beaten by one from heaven! Let your beating hell be Servet abi :)”



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