Americas News

Los Angeles declares bid for 2028 Olympic Games

Los Angeles has declared its bid to host the 2028 Olympic Games, effectively guaranteeing that the 2024 Olympics will be held in Paris.

Los Angeles officially declared its bid for the 2028 Olympic Games on Monday, July 31. In doing so, the City of Angels will forgo its bid for the 2024 Olympics and effectively hand that event to Paris – the only other city in the running to host it.

If approved, the International Olympic Committee will make contributions to Los Angeles’ organizing committee representing an estimated value of $1.8 billion.

“Los Angeles presented an excellent candidature that embraces the Olympic Agenda 2020 sustainability priorities by maximizing the use of existing facilities and encouraging the engagement of more youth in the Olympic Movement. We are very confident that we can reach a tripartite agreement under the leadership of the IOC with LA and Paris in August, creating a win-win-win situation for all three partners.”

IOC president Thomas Bach


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