Americas News

Two reported dead in West Virginia cargo plane crash

Two people were reported dead after a cargo plane went off the runway at Yeager Airport in Charleston, West Virginia, according to Kanawha County EMS.

Two people were reported dead after a small cargo plane went off the runway at Yeager Airport in Charleston, West Virginia.

The Short 330 turboprop airplane from Louisville, Kentucky ended up nearly 150 an embankment off the airport’s runway, and crashed at approximately 7 am Eastern. The plane can seat up to 30 people and carry up to 22,900 pounds of cargo.

The plan reportedly hit the runway and a wing sheared off; it then went over the runway. Airport officials plan to reopen the runway after repairs are made to fix ‘a few gouges’ caused by the plane’s landing.

The airplane obviously came in sideways, came in hot, struck the runway early on on the threshold, and then rolled, and went over the hill.

Yeager Airport fire official

Contrary to initial reports, the airplane does not belong to the the large package delivery company UPS.

The NTSB is sending a team to investigate the crash. Both deceased pilot and co-pilot are based out of Yeager Airport.

Airport spokesperson Mike Plante noted that the Air Traffic Control tower at the airport gave no indication there was anything out of the ordinary when they handled the plane during its arrival.

Yeager Airport has one primary 6800-foot airport.

The airport remains closed while emergency personnel investigate.


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