Venezuela's opposition held a symbolic referendum on President Nicolas Maduro's plan to rewrite the constitution as anti-government protests continue
Tag - referendum
Puerto Rico held a plebiscite vote on Sunday, June 11, to allow voters to send a message to Washington regarding the island's political status with United...
Puerto Rico is holding a plebiscite a referendum to gauge opinion on political status with the US, a move that its governor hopes will end in statehood
Iraq's Kurdistan region is set to hold a referendum on independence from Baghdad on September 25, and parliamentary and presidential elections on November 6
Grasswire spoke to three experts about the consequences of the constitutional referendum, the campaign and the future of Turkey's place in the EU and NATO.
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan claimed victory in referendum to expand presidential powers while OSCE observers say contest was on “unlevel playing field”
UN experts warned ahead of Erdogan's upcoming referendum that Turkey's existing emergency laws have been used to justify 'massive' human rights violations.
The Scottish Parliament on March 28 approved by a margin of 10 votes First Minister Nicola Sturgeon's proposal for a new independence referendum.
Voting has has begun in the U.K. on whether the country should remain a member of the European Union.
In a referendum, New Zealand has voted to keep its 112-year-old national flag which features a Union Jack.