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Twitter suspends nearly 300,000 accounts for promotion of terrorism

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Twitter suspended nearly 300,000 accounts for “violations related to promotion of terrorism” in the first six months of 2017, according to its latest biannual Transparency Report published on Tuesday, September 19.

A total of 299,649 accounts were suspended for violations of Twitter’s Terms of Service related to the promotion of terrorism between January 1 and June 30, which represents a 20 percent reduction over the previous six months.

Twitter’s internal spam-fighting tools flagged 95 percent of the suspended accounts, and 75 percent of those were suspended before sending a single tweet.

A total of 1,200 accounts were reported by governments for promoting terrorism, an 80 percent reduction on the previous period. Twitter says it “actioned” 92 percent of those reported.

The report says a total of 935,897 accounts were suspended for promoting terrorism between August 1, 2015 and June 30, 2017.

An edited version of this post was published by The Globe Post



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